Optica Open takes up CHORUS Preprint Dashboard and Reporting Service

CHORUS is pleased to announce that Optica Open has signed with CHORUS for the CHORUS Preprint Dashboard and Reporting Service. The CHORUS Preprint Dashboard and Reporting Service connects preprints to funders and datasets as well as information related to public accessibility and other key metadata. The dashboards provide non-ambiguous links between the preprint and published […]

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CHORUS Forum: Navigating the Future of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) in Scholarly Publishing – summary

At last month’s CHORUS Forum on Navigating the Future of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) in Scholarly Publishing speakers presentations covered a lot of ground regarding benefits and challenges with PIDs but what stood out were:  Burdens: Researchers spending too much time on admin tasks and difficulties conducting analysis Benefits: Ability to track metrics and make reliable […]

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Upcoming CHORUS Events

JST/CHORUS Forum: Data as an Output of Publicly Funded Research at JOSS 2024 20 June 2024 At this joint JST/CHORUS Joint Forum speakers from Japan and the US will introduce their organizations’ respective strategies for publishing research data and discuss the challenges researchers face in complying with each country’s national requirements. Registration Open, see the Event page […]

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CHORUS Board of Directors Election Results

Directors were elected to the CHORUS/CHOR, Inc. Board of Directors at the Annual Members Meeting held on18 April 2024. Newly elected to the board is Sybille Geisenheyner (American Chemical Society). Returning to the CHORUS board are: Dawn Melley (IEEE), Michael Levine-Clark, Diane Sullenberger.  All will serve a three-year term ending in 2027.  The board thanks […]

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Save the Date CHORUS Forum:  Linking from Datasets to Content

Save the Date CHORUS Forum:  Linking from Datasets to Content Join us for the CHORUS Forum: Supporting Accessibility Thursday, 27 June 2024 @ 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT Registration to open soon!   Whether you’re a data scientist, content creator, software developer, or business strategist, this virtual event offers valuable insights and practical guidance […]

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CHORUS Forum: 12 Best Practices for Research Data Sharing – summary and comments

At last month’s CHORUS Forum: 12 Best Practices for Research Data Sharing speakers addressed the Joint Statement on Research Data Sharing by STM, DataCite and Crossref. The forum was moderated by Howard Ratner, Executive Director, CHORUS and sponsored by AIP Publishing, Association of American Publishers, Crossref, GeoScienceWorld, and STM. Hylke Koers, Chief Information Officer, STM […]

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ARDC and DataCite Announce Partnership to Deliver the RAiD Service (ARDC Post on 2 April 2024)

ARDC and DataCite have announced a partnership to deliver the RAiD Service. The Research Activity Identifier (RAiD) is a persistent identifier (PID) dedicated to research projects and activities, see announcement here https://ardc.edu.au/article/ardc-and-datacite-announce-partnership-to-deliver-the-raid-service/ The post highlights the problem(s) RAiD is trying to solve. See the June 2023 CHORUS Forum presentation given by Shawn Ross, Professor of […]

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Developing a US National PID Strategy Report Released

The Open Research Funders Group PID Strategy Working Group released their report, Developing a US PID National Strategy: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10811008. According to Todd Carpenter, this report authored in concert with the Research DataAlliance (RDA), Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS) and the Open Research Funders Group  (ORFG), “… seeks to advance interoperability, simplify output […]

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CHORUS Forum: Navigating the Future of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) in Scholarly Publishing: Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities

Join us for the CHORUS Forum Navigating the Future of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) in Scholarly Publishing: Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities Wednesday, 22 May 2024 @ 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT Registration is now open! This forum will aim to provide an overview of PIDs in the scholarly publishing workflow then focus on topics such […]

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Tracking Research Facilities in Science: A CSIRO/CHORUS Pilot Sets Sail (SSP Scholarly Kitchen Post)

Check out Todd Carpenter’s post on the Scholarly Kitchen: Tracking Research Facilities in Science: A CSIRO/CHORUS Pilot Sets Sail. Todd explains how large-scale technological investments are crucial for scientific progress and how tracking their use and impact over time is challenging. Our three-year pilot project with CSIRO aims to address this by developing a workflow […]

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