CHORUS Panel at Charleston

Join CHORUS at Charleston for a Neopolitan session on public access, with guest speakers Judy Russell (University of Florida), Jack Maness (University of Denver), and David Crotty (Oxford University Press)

A Simpler Path to Public Access

Thursday November 9, 2017 | 10:20am-11:05am

Grand Ballroom 2 | Gaillard Center

A recent study conducted by Vanderbilt University showed that research staffs in academic institutions spend up to 15% of their time on regulatory compliance. The requirements associated with funded research are varied and complex, and becoming ever more so. With the responsibility for compliance with funder mandates passed along to the researcher, the cost, and the liability for non-compliance, is shouldered by the institutions.

In the U.S. alone, there are now 19 OSTP-approved public access plans in place among federal departments and agencies. Many agencies now require that all new research projects have data management plans describing the data to be collected during the project and plans for its long-term preservation and access. Libraries have stepped into the fray as long-time experts in handling curation and access and can now play an important role in the research ecosystem.

There is a lot that can be done to help lessen the burden of compliance, expose necessary metadata and monitor the status of published articles. CHORUS has developed tools to identify, ingest and monitor funded article metadata, and is partnering with librarians and publishers to ensure that open articles are publicly accessible when required.

In this session, we will showcase examples of how publishers, funders and institutions are working together to develop efficient solutions to reducing the cost of compliance, and explore the data gap uncovered in the pilot institutions.


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