CHORUS Forum Recap: Making the Future of Open Research Work, Session 1

The third CHORUS Forum convened over 180 publishers, researchers, librarians, and research funders last week on 23 April 2021 around the topic “Making the Future of Open Research Work.”

The first session, moderated by David Crotty from Clarke & Esposito, looked at new models for sustainable and robust open access publishing. Session participants Scott Delman from ACM, Sara Rouhi from PLOS, Richard Gallagher from Annual Reviews, and Courtney Crummett from MIT Libraries focused on what it takes to experiment with new business models, and how the community can come together to build shared infrastructure to make such experimentation easier.

David summarized this excellent session on The Scholarly Kitchen in his article “New Open Access Business Models — What’s Needed to Make Them Work?”  If you missed the CHORUS Forum, you can view all of the recordings and presentations, and join the conversation on The Scholarly Kitchen.

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