CHORUS Use-Case Workshop for Institutions in JAPAN

29 May 2024 – Free online meeting
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Japan Standard Time




CHORUS enables institutions to locate their research output as published journal articles, conference proceedings, and book chapters. Access to the articles, associated datasets, and other key information is provided through its dashboard and data service. Institutions can also monitor their researchers’ open access compliance in relation to funders’ open access policies and requirements.

This Workshop presented in Japanese will provide an overview of the CHORUS dashboard and data service for institutions, with a detailed explanation of the CHORUS workflow for identifying articles and whether they are open access or not, followed by three use-cases of current subscribing institutions in Japan.


Susumu Seki, Technical Scientist Information Systems Division, Information R&D and Strategy Headquarters, RIKEN

Introduction to CHORUS

Mami Jinno, Manager Marketing and Promotion Section, Journal Department, Kinokuniya Company Ltd

Institution Use Cases

Chiba University Library
Yuta Kobayashi, Planning and User Support Division

National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Chie Onodera,
Data Collection Unit, Materials Data Platform, Research Network and Facility Services Division

National Institute of Environmental Studies Japan (NIES)
Mizuho Owashi, Environmental Information Department (Librarian)


Presentations and the panel discussion are in Japanese. 

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