CHORUS EventsCHORUS Forum: How Can We Ensure Research Integrity?

24 July 2024 – Free online meeting
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT

Research integrity, and the need for all involved in the research ecosystem to work together to uphold the highest ethical standards to protect research integrity, is a topic generating much discussion in the STM publishing community, the larger research community, and in the news media in general. This forum will cover, from the perspectives of a publisher, an academic institution, and a standards organization, some of the steps that are being taken (or are being considered) to ensure the trustability of the scientific record. In addition, a case study illustrating how our trust-based publishing ecosystem can be exploited will be presented, to help identify areas of vulnerability that need improvement.

Moderator: Daniel Kulp, Chair at COPE and Director of Publications at the American Urological Association (bio)
Presentation | Video: 1:35


  • Edward Dunne, Executive Editor, Mathematical Reviews at American Mathematical Society (bio)
    Presentation | Video: 9:03
  • Michael Levine-Clark, Dean and Director at University of Denver Libraries (bio)
    Presentation | Video: 27:04
  • Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, National Information Standards Organization (NISO) (bio)
    Presentation | Video: 40:20

Q&A Video: 1:10:58










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