CHORUS Board Chair Susan King is Named Executive Director of Rockefeller University Press

We are proud to share the news that Susan King, who chairs CHORUS’ Board of Directors, has joined Rockefeller University Press as its new Executive Director.  Susan joins RUP from the American Chemical Society (ACS) in Washington, DC, where she was Senior Vice President for the Journals Publishing Group since 2008. Susan will continue her leadership of CHORUS. […]

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Welcome New Members! CHORUS now has 27 members (24 Publisher Members and 3 Affiliate Members).  Our ranks are growing every week — new members include: American Meteorological Society American Mathematical Society American Astronomical Society AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces and Processing . With a majority of non-profit organizations as members and on our Board of Directors, […]

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US Department of Energy and CHORUS Sign Participation Agreement to Advance Public Access

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has signed a Participation Agreement with CHORUS to contribute to the implementation of DOE PAGESBeta, the DOE’s Public Access Gateway for Energy & Science. The agreement, which is effective immediately, solidifies the collaboration that was announced in August 2014 and moves a two-year effort into the next phase of […]

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CHORUS Progress Report, April 2015

As of this month, CHORUS is providing access to and information about tens of thousands of articles reporting on federally funded research. CHORUS was also named by the US Department of Energy as part of its public-access solution. The significant progress we’ve made in the eight months since we moved into full production mode is […]

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CLOCKSS and CHORUS Partner to Support Perpetual Public Access to Articles Reporting on US Funded Research

Stanford, CA and Staten Island, NY March 30, 2015. The CLOCKSS Archive, a not-for-profit joint venture between the world’s leading academic publishers and research libraries, has entered into an agreement with CHORUS (Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States), the not-for-profit, cost-effective, and sustainable public access solution, to support the archiving, preservation, and […]

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Fred Dylla on the NSF Public Access Plan

In an article published today, Fred Dylla, AIP Executive Director and CEO and CHORUS Board Member, comments on the public access plan released by the National Science Foundation on March 18th.  The agency will use a branded version of DOE’s PAGES portal, supported by CHORUS.       Access the article on the AIP website…    

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