A Panel Discussion on Ensuring Public Access to Research Data

Wednesday, 12 January at 15:15-16:45 during the APE 2022 forum a discussion on “Ensuring Public Access to Research Data” was given along with some of the challenges faced by research institutions of different sizes in managing data. Moderated by Nick Campbell, VP for Funder Relations at Springer Nature. Rick Anderson, University Librarian, Brigham Young University […]

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Presentations Now Available from CHORUS Academic Advisory Working Group November Speaking Engagements

Several members of the CHORUS Academic Advisory Working Group (AAWG) were on the conference circuit in November, speaking at two key events. Charleston Conference On 4 November 2021, Michael Levine-Clark (Dean of Libraries, University of Denver), Liz Lorbeer (Chair, Medical Library, Stryker School of Medicine, Western Michigan University), and Judy Russell (Dean of University Libraries, […]

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Expanded partnerships enhance CHORUS services

CHORUS is pleased to announce two enhancements to CHORUS’ core services to identify and monitor research articles reporting on funded research. CHORUS Auditing Service Expands with Unpaywall CHORUS is now capturing results from Unpaywall to enhance our open access monitoring processes. The inclusion of Unpaywall’s Open Access checks augment existing CHORUS open access monitoring  procedures […]

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CHORUS Forum: Are We Ready for Data Citation Metrics Summary Now Available

Over 250 publishers, researchers, librarians, and research funders registered for the CHORUS Forum: Are We Ready for Data Citation Metrics held on 28 October 2021.  This forum was co-hosted with the American Geophysical Union. The full recording of the forum session is available on the event page as well as the individual presentations. Shelley Stall, […]

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Show US the Data Conference Report Now Available

The Show US the Data virtual conference held on October 20, 2021 was a great success with over 500 registrants.It showed that automated search and discovery tools were possible to develop and that those tools could be used to find and close some gaps between what agencies know about how their data are being used […]

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Using ROR IDs and CHORUS Services

CHORUS is well positioned to begin using Research Organization Registry IDs (ROR IDs) to support the identification of institutions in our Institution Dashboard Reports. The addition of these affiliation RoR IDs will improve mapping between articles, data, researchers, and institutions. Publishers can now include ROR IDs with their Crossref metadata. This means CHORUS can associate […]

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Free online CHORUS Forum on Data Citation Metrics

Registration is now open for the next CHORUS Forum: ARE WE READY FOR DATA CITATION METRICS? The free online meeting will take place on October 28, 2021 @ 11 AM – 1 PM EDT Scholarly data has become one of the most important components of Open Science, and governments and funders are requiring that researchers […]

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Show US the Data Conference

We are delighted to invite you to the “Show US the Data Conference” on October 20th 10:00 – 12:00pm (EDT) jointly coordinated by the Coleridge Initiative and CHORUS. This virtual conference is intended to bring together a wide diversity of public data users and producers – researchers, academic institutions, publishers and federal agencies – to learn how […]

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CHORUS FORUM: Are We Ready for Data Citation Metrics? October 28, 2021 @ 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT – Free online meeting #CHORUSForum Scholarly data has become one of the most important components of Open Science. Governments and funders are mandating that researchers deposit their data in repositories and supply supporting metadata. This extra […]

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Introducing the CHORUS Software Citation Policies Index!

CHORUS aims to accelerate the awareness of Open Science. It is CHORUS’ mission to streamline the process of complying with open access and public access funder mandates. Software is an important and citable product of research and should be cited on the same basis as any other research product such as a paper or a […]

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