CHORUS Board of Directors Election Results

Six directors were elected to the CHORUS/CHOR, Inc. Board of Directors at the Annual Members Meeting in Washington, DC on February 6, 2019.

New to the board are two members-at-large from academic institutions: Rick Anderson (University of Utah) and Judith Russell (University of Florida, Gainesville). Returning to the CHORUS board are David Crotty (Oxford University Press), Scott Delman (Association for Computing Machinery), John Sack (HighWire Press) and Matthew Salter (American Physical Society).  All six will serve a three-year term ending in 2022.

Officers were elected at a board meeting following the Annual Members Meeting: Michael Forster (IEEE) as Chair, Scott Delman (ACM) as Treasurer, and Robert Harington (American Mathematical Society) as Secretary.

Thank you to all our members who attended the Annual Members Meeting to vote in person, or voted by proxy. You can find more information on the governance of CHORUS here. If you are interested in becoming more involved with CHORUS, we welcome your participation in one of our three active Working Groups – Communications, Technical, and Revenue. Contact us to get involved.

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