CHORUS FORUM: FAIR Data from Funding to Publication AT JOSS 202118 June, 2021 – Free online meeting |
Policies, guidelines and workflows for open research are being formulated and implemented across the scholarly communications ecosystem. Integral to this discussion is how to ensure the application of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles for research data. Researchers are obliged or recommended to develop data plans and deposit their data by the agencies that fund their research, their institutions, the journals in which they publish and by their peers.
This CHORUS Forum at JOSS 2021 brings together speakers involved in the steps along the way from funding, through publication and as a panel to discuss how data can be FAIR. We thank the JOSS 2021 organizers for including this FORUM in their virtual meeting. Information in Japanese available at Kinokuniya |
PROGRAMIntroduction (Japanese) Introduction (English) Moderator: Yasushi Ogasaka, Director Department of R&D for Future Creation, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Mikiko Tanifuji, Managing Director, Materials Data Platform Center, National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS) Data management and adoption of the FAIR principle; perspective from a research institution Her talk is about data repositories and her own experience at NIMS and with the NIMS National data repository. She also brings a perspective to the discussion from an institution. Japanese and English presentations Ritsuko Nakajima, Director, Department for Information Infrastructure, JST
She will introduce the funding data workflow at JST, from data input to the JST project database, cover JST open science policy and Presentation (Japanese) Presentation (English) Shelley Stall, Senior Director for Data Leadership, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Getting credit for your FAIR data: The importance of preserving and citing data in your publication From a society with a large journal publishing program and with clear ideas about data, her talk will focus on how a society broadly thinks about data and data policies, some of their own current initiatives including how this relates to their own publishing program. Presentation (Japanese) Presentation (English) Howard Ratner, Executive Director, CHORUS
He leads CHORUS activities in making data associated with published output FAIR. He will share CHORUS’ own work and some key collaborations with other organizations on data citations and data metrics. Presentation (Japanese) Presentation (English)
Brief update from the RDA Interest Group for Funders Presentation (Japanese) Presentation (English)
Panel Discussion Panel Discussion (Japanese) Panel Discussion (English) Yasuyuki Minamiyama, Chief Data Librarian, National Institute of Informatics
As the chair of JOSS session E6 he will contribute to the panel session from the practitioner’s point of view. |
Simultaneous translation will be provided by NHK Global Media Services, Inc.
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