Howard Ratner, Executive Director, CHORUS
Data Citations & Sharing
Expand your perspective and gain insights into why data is an important asset and why it isn’t being properly included in published content.
- Moderator: Shelley Stall, Senior Director for Data Leadership, AGU (bio)
Challenges and progress with data as a key asset for Funders and Academia
Hear from funders and institutions about their problems in recognizing data as a key asset and ascribing the value.
- Konstantinos Repanas, Policy Officer at Open Science Unit, Directorate-General Research & Innovation, European Commission (bio)
Presentation 0:59:30
- Martin Halbert, Science Advisor for Public Access, NSF (bio)
Presentation 1:13:25
- Susan Gregurick, Associate Director for Data Science, NIH (bio)
Presentation 1:21:50
- Sarah Nusser, Professor of Statistics, Iowa State University and co-PI, AAU/APLU Accelerating Public Access to Research Data project (bio)
Presentation 1:34:40
- Julia Lane, Co-Founder, Coleridge Initiative (bio)
Presentation 1:44:48
- Moderator: Howard Ratner, Executive Director, CHORUS (bio)
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