CHORUS EventsCHORUS Forum: supporting accessibility

24 October 2023 – Free online meeting
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT

Supporting accessibility in scholarly communications has a number of positive impacts, both for individuals and for the broader research community. While important work is being done to make content accessible to people with disabilities, doing so makes it better for everybody. By making sure that all scholarly communications, including articles, books, and conference proceedings, are accessible to everyone, we ensure that everyone has equal access to knowledge and the ability to participate fully in the research community. This is particularly important in light of the US government mandates, including the OSTP public access mandate of 2022, which stresses the importance of equitable access to all publicly funded research, including ensuring that the research is accessible. Overall, supporting accessibility in scholarly communications is an important step towards a more inclusive, equitable, and effective research community.

This forum will have panelists and audience delve into the issues around accessibility from the perspectives of institutions, agencies, publishers, and individual scholars and researchers. It will offer potential solutions and the standards, best practices, and resources that can help make systems and content accessible.

Presentations and video are available below



Moderator: Bill Kasdorf, Principal of Kasdorf & Associates, LLC,
Bio | Video: 01:51


  • Stacy Scott, Head of Accessibility, Taylor & Francis, Informa
    Bio | Video: 17:31
  • Kathryn Miller, Scholarly Publishing Librarian, NIST
    Bio | Presentation | Video: 37:33
  • Jamie Axelrod, Director, Disability Resources at Northern Arizona University
    Bio | Presentation | Video: 50:47

Q&A Session: 1:05:08 










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