jst/CHORUS FORUM: research integrity at JOSS 20228 June, 2022 – Free online meeting |
Integrity is fundamental to advancing trusted research. Research must be conducted in such a way that allows researchers to have confidence and trust in the methods and findings on which others can build their research, and so that research results can be translated for societal benefit and advancement. Whilst there are many positive components of research integrity, there are three fundamental ways in which the research record can be undermined:
At this joint JOSS 2022 Forum Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and CHORUS bring together a panel of speakers to present their views on research integrity and to discuss how to manage and address these problems from their different perspective. We thank the JOSS 2022 organizers for including this FORUM in their virtual meeting. Presentations and video now available. |
PROGRAMYasushi Ogasaka, Managing Director, Department of International Strategy, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) Introduction and Moderator Shigeo Koyasu, Executive Director, RIKEN Akira Shinohara, Board Member, APRIN (The Association for the Promotion of Research Integrity); Professor, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO (National Information Standards Organization) Technical Approaches to Ensuring High Ethical Standards in the Published Records of Research Patrick Franzen, Director, Publications and Platforms, SPIE (The International Society for Optics and Photonics); Board Member, COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Versions of Research Output and Research Integrity Masaki Satoh, Chief Editor Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan; Professor, The University of Tokyo How Preprints Aid the Dissemination of Research Results Presentations are in English and Japanese with the panel discussion in English. We will keep you updated about our events! Follow us on Twitter: @chorusaccess |