JST/CHORUS Virtual Forum
In 2025, it will be a requirement that articles resulting from nationally funded research in Japan be open access immediately on publication. Even though the exact details of the policy have not been specified, the Government has clearly stated that immediate open access will be required in 2025.
To comply with this policy, there will likely be several options available to researchers and their institutions, as follows:
Universities, research institutions, and funders will be required to ensure that their research output is compliant with the new national policy. They will therefore have to monitor the open accessibility of their research output which will be complex with so many routes to immediate open access. This Forum will address the challenges institutions will face, and how researchers will be supported. PROGRAMModerator Syun Tutiya, National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE) Speakers Nao Kinoshita, Director, Information Management Division, Tohoku University Library Yaeko Takeuchi, Deputy Chief of Planning and User Support Division, Chiba University Library Chie Onodera, Data Collection Unit, Materials Data Platform, Research Network and Facility Services Division, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) Masashi Kawai,Chief Analyst, Research Center for Open Science and Data Platform, National Institute of Informatics (NII) Daijirou Okada, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Department for Information infrastructure, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Presentations and the panel discussion will be in Japanese. We will keep you updated about our events! Follow us on Twitter: @chorusaccess |