Find out more about us at these industry and CHORUS-sponsored events.

Upcoming Events

  1. CHORUS Forum: The Markers of Open and Secure Research DataQ2 2025, Virtual
  2. CHORUS Essentials: Everything You Need to Know About CHORUSQ2 2025, Virtual
  3. STM US ConferenceApril 2-3, 2025, National Press Club, Washington, DC, USA
  4. CHORUS Workshop 1: Metadata Gone Wrong – What to Fix and Why It MattersApril 24, 2025, Virtual
  5. CHORUS Forum: Trust Markers – Is Now the Time for Trust Markers ?Q2 or Q3 2025, Virtual
  6. Data Management in Action: Practical Approaches for ResearchersMay 1, 2025, Virtual
  7. SSP Annual Meeting: Reimagining the Future of Scholarly Publishing at the Intersection of Value and ValuesMay 28-30, 2025, Hilton Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, USA
  8. JST/CHORUS Forum at JOSS 2025June 2025, Virtual
  9. CHORUS Workshop 2: From Vision to Action – Implementing Metadata Best Practices and Aligning with Global StandardsQ2 2025, Virtual
  10. JST/CHORUSs Forum at Japan Library FairNovember 2025, Virtual

Past Events

  1. CHORUS Use-Case Workshop for Institutions in JapanMay 29, 2024, Virtual
  2. CHORUS Forum: Navigating the Future of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) in Scholarly Publishing: Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities22 May 2024, Virtual Meeting
  3. CHORUS Forum: 12 Best Practices for Reseach Data Sharing27 March 2024, Virtual Meeting
  4. ROR Annual MeetingJanuary 31, 2024, Virtual Meeting
  5. JST/CHORUS Virtual Forum – Monitoring Open Access Compliance in Japan Under the New National PolicyNovember 14, 2023, Virtual Meeting
  6. NISO Tech SummitOctober 25-26, 2023, Virtual Meeting
  7. CHORUS Forum: Supporting AccessibilityOctober 24, 2023, Virtual Meeting
  8. STM Conference: Open / ShiftOctober 17, 2023, Westin Grand Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
  9. SSP New Directions: Navigating the Shifting SandsOctober 4-5, 2023, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA
  10. NISO Plus Forum 2023: AI & Machine Learning in Scholarly Publishing: Services, Data, and Ethics.October 3, 2023, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA
  11. Silverchair: Platform Strategies 2023September 27, 2023, The Schuyler, 1001 14th Street Northwest Washington, DC 20005
  12. CHORUS Forum: Real World Impact of Faculty PublicationsSeptember 26, 2023, Virtual
  13. JST/CHORUS Forum at JOSS: The Development of National Open Access StrategiesJune 22, 2023
  14. CHORUS Forum: Mapping the Research Lifecycle – Connecting the PiecesJune 6, 2023, Virtual Meeting
  15. SSP 45th Annual Meeting “Transformation, Trust, and Transparency“May 31 - June 2, 2023, Oregon Convention Center & Hyatt Regency Portland, OR USA
  16. STM US Annual Conference 2023April 16-27, 2023, The National Union Building, 918 F St NW, Washington, DC, USA
  17. AGU/CHORUS Forum: How Open is Open Data & Software?April 19, 2023, Virtual
  18. NISO PlusFebruary 14-16, 2023, Virtual Meeting
  19. STM WeekDecember 6-8, 2022, Congress Centre Great Russell Street London, UK
  20. NASEM: Open Scholarship Priorities and Next Steps: Public WorkshopDecember 5, 2022, Virtual Meeting

For more information or an invitation to these events, or to inquire about future CHORUS events, please contact us