Find out more about us at these industry and CHORUS-sponsored events.

Past Events

  1. 2014 Emerging Trends in Scholarly Publishing SeminarApril 24, 2014, Hyatt Regency Washington, Washington, DC, USA
  2. TCN Open Access SymposiumApril 16, 2014, The Rockefeller University Press, New York, NY, USA
  3. AIP Assembly for Society OfficersMarch 27, 2014, College Park, MD, USA
  4. ALPSP Masters in PublishingMarch 27, 2014, Webinar
  5. 2014 Silverchair Strategies: Strategy, Culture & InnovationMarch 20-21, 2014, Kewsick Hall at Monticello, VA, USA
  6. 2014 PSP Annual Conference: Managing Innovation: Meeting the Challenges of ChangeFebruary 5-7, 2014, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC, USA
  7. 2014 eJournalPress Publishing Roundtable MeetingFebruary 5, 2014, Washington, DC, USA
  8. APE 2014 – Academic Publishing in EuropeJanuary 28 - January 29, 2014, Berlin, Germany
  9. ALCTS/bePress – Digital Commons Midwinter Symposium: Here There Be Dragons: Public Access to Federally Funded ResearchJanuary 24, 2014, Philadelphia, PA, USA
  10. STM Innovations SeminarDecember 4, 2013, London, UK
  11. NFAIS: Open Access to Published Research: Current Status and Future DirectionsNovember 22, 2013, The Hub Cira Centre, Philadelphia, PA, USA
  12. HighWire Publishers MeetingNovember 21, 2013, National Press Building, Washington, DC, USA
  13. 2013 Charleston ConferenceNovember 8, 2013, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
  14. CHORUS Presentation at Frankfurt Book FairOctober 9, 2013, Goodwill Room, Frankfurt, Germany
  15. CHORUS presentation at the International Association of STM Publishers ConferenceOctober 8, 2014, STM Annual Conference, Frankfurt, Germany
  16. CHORUS presentation for members of the International Association of STM PublishersOctober 7, 2013, Westin Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany

For more information or an invitation to these events, or to inquire about future CHORUS events, please contact us