Using ROR IDs and CHORUS Services

CHORUS is well positioned to begin using Research Organization Registry IDs (ROR IDs) to support the identification of institutions in our Institution Dashboard Reports. The addition of these affiliation RoR IDs will improve mapping between articles, data, researchers, and institutions. Publishers can now include ROR IDs with their Crossref metadata. This means CHORUS can associate […]

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Free online CHORUS Forum on Data Citation Metrics

Registration is now open for the next CHORUS Forum: ARE WE READY FOR DATA CITATION METRICS? The free online meeting will take place on October 28, 2021 @ 11 AM – 1 PM EDT Scholarly data has become one of the most important components of Open Science, and governments and funders are requiring that researchers […]

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Show US the Data Conference

We are delighted to invite you to the “Show US the Data Conference” on October 20th 10:00 – 12:00pm (EDT) jointly coordinated by the Coleridge Initiative and CHORUS. This virtual conference is intended to bring together a wide diversity of public data users and producers – researchers, academic institutions, publishers and federal agencies – to learn how […]

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CHORUS FORUM: Are We Ready for Data Citation Metrics? October 28, 2021 @ 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT – Free online meeting #CHORUSForum Scholarly data has become one of the most important components of Open Science. Governments and funders are mandating that researchers deposit their data in repositories and supply supporting metadata. This extra […]

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AI Makes Data an Asset

The Coleridge Initiative work to leverage artificial intelligence to demonstrate the value of federal data as a strategic asset was featured in SPARC news yesterday. CHORUS partnered with the Coleridge Initiative to provide a content set for their recent Kaggle data science competition to develop algorithms to automate the search and discovery of references to […]

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CHORUS FORUM: Fair Data from funding to publication at JOSS 2021

Around 130 participants came together to join the CHORUS Forum at the Japan Open Science Summit (JOSS) on 18th June, timed in the morning for the panelists from Japan and the evening for those from the USA. Most of the delegates came from Japan, but they were supplemented by a few from elsewhere including Australia, […]

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Introducing the CHORUS Software Citation Policies Index!

CHORUS aims to accelerate the awareness of Open Science. It is CHORUS’ mission to streamline the process of complying with open access and public access funder mandates. Software is an important and citable product of research and should be cited on the same basis as any other research product such as a paper or a […]

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Coleridge Conference: Value of Science: Data, Products & Use, 23-24 June 2021

Join the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics and the Coleridge Initiative for this two-day conference to advance understanding of the value of data by showcasing new data, products and use resulting from recent NCSES investments. The Value of Science: Data, Products & Use workshop is intended to advance understanding of the value of […]

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