CHORUS FORUM: Fair Data from funding to publication at JOSS 2021
Around 130 participants came together to join the CHORUS Forum at the Japan Open Science Summit (JOSS) on 18th June, timed in the morning for the panelists from Japan and the evening for those from the USA. Most of the delegates came from Japan, but they were supplemented by a few from elsewhere including Australia, […]
The PID Forum – open to everyone interested in persistent identifiers
CHORUS showcases the PID Forum – a global information and discussion platform for research communities working with persistent identifiers.
CHORUS Forum recap: What infrastructure is needed to make open research work?
The third CHORUS Forum included a lively panel discussion around what infrastructure is needed to make open research work. The session was moderated by Alix Vance, CEO of AIP Publishing and the chair of the Board of Directors of CHORUS, and panel participants represented a diverse set of stakeholder perspectives. Caroline Lynn Kamerlin from Uppsala […]
Introducing the CHORUS Software Citation Policies Index!
CHORUS aims to accelerate the awareness of Open Science. It is CHORUS’ mission to streamline the process of complying with open access and public access funder mandates. Software is an important and citable product of research and should be cited on the same basis as any other research product such as a paper or a […]
Coleridge Conference: Value of Science: Data, Products & Use, 23-24 June 2021
Join the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics and the Coleridge Initiative for this two-day conference to advance understanding of the value of data by showcasing new data, products and use resulting from recent NCSES investments. The Value of Science: Data, Products & Use workshop is intended to advance understanding of the value of […]
CHORUS Remembers Joe Serene
Joseph Serene, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Georgetown University, former Treasurer/Publisher of the American Physical Society, and a founding member of CHORUS, passed away on May 1, 2021. Joe’s broad experience with scientific authors, scholarly publishers, funding agencies, and government were an essential element in launching CHORUS’ initial programs. His CHORUS colleagues remember Joe and […]
CHORUS Board of Directors Election Results
Five directors were elected to the CHORUS/CHOR, Inc. Board of Directors at the Annual Members Meeting, 23 April 2021. New to the board are: Michael Levine-Clark (University of Denver) and Diane Sullenberger (PNAS). Returning to the CHORUS board are: Jack Ochs (ACS), Jon Glover (Wiley), Dawn Melley (IEEE). All will serve a three-year term ending […]
CHORUS Forum Recap: Making the Future of Open Research Work, Session 1
The third CHORUS Forum convened over 180 publishers, researchers, librarians, and research funders last week on 23 April 2021 around the topic “Making the Future of Open Research Work.” The first session, moderated by David Crotty from Clarke & Esposito, looked at new models for sustainable and robust open access publishing. Session participants Scott Delman […]
Accelerating Public Access to Research Data – New Guide Available from AAU and APLU
The Association of American Universities (AAU) and the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) have released a Guide to Accelerate Public Access to Research Data. The APARD Guide is envisioned as a resource for administrators to accelerate progress and articulate how research outputs are aligned with the research institution’s mission. It will outline the major steps […]
Coleridge Initiative Leveraging CHORUS as Source for Show US the Data Competition
CHORUS is being used as a source for The Coleridge Initiative Kaggle competition to discover and assess the value of datasets from publications related to federally funded research.