CHORUS is tracking the following Funding Agencies Public Access Plans and their respective requirements.

Agency Plan Awards (on/after) Initial Embargo Repository/
CHORUS Participant  
Awards (on/after): Dec 2025 Repository:  
Awards (on/after): Jan 2017 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: DTIC CHORUS Participant: More
Awards (on/after): Oct 2015 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: NASA PubSpace CHORUS Participant: More
Awards (on/after): Jan 2026 Repository:  
Awards (on/after): Oct 2015 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: NIST/PMC CHORUS Participant: More
Awards (on/after): Jan 2016 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: NOAA Institutional Repository CHORUS Participant: More
Awards (on/after): Feb 2023 Repository: NSF-PAR CHORUS Participant: More
Awards (on/after): Oct 2015 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: Smithsonian Research Online CHORUS Participant: More
Awards (on/after): Nov 2016 Repository: DDL CHORUS Participant: More
Awards (on/after): Dec 2025 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: PubAg CHORUS Participant: More
Awards (on/after): Oct 2015 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: DOD/DTIC CHORUS Participant: More
Awards (on/after): Oct 2012 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: ERIC More
Awards (on/after): Dec 31, 2025 Repository: PAGES CHORUS Participant: More
Awards (on/after): Dec 2016 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: PMC More
Awards (on/after): Dec 2015 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: Nat’l Trans Library (NTL) More
Awards (on/after): Dec 2015 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: PMC More
Awards (on/after): Oct 2016 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: PMC More
Awards (on/after): Oct 2015 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: PMC More
Awards (on/after): Oct 2015 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: PMC  
Awards (on/after): Jul 2013 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: CDC Stacks More
Awards (on/after): Oct 2015 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: PMC More
Awards (on/after): Apr 2008 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: PMC More
Awards (on/after): Jan 2016 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: PMC More
Awards (on/after): Dec 2025 Embargo: 12 mos. Repository: USGS Pubs Warehouse CHORUS Participant: More

DOI = Department of Interior
DOC = Department of Commerce
US DHHS = Department of Health and Human Services Overview Guiding Principles
Awards (on/after): Grant/award date (for extramural recipients) on or after which plan requirements apply. For Smithsonian Institution, this date applies to manuscripts submitted for publication. For Department of Defense and Environmental Protection Agency, this date applies to intramural research and will be updated accordingly when an effective date for extramural awards has been issued.

Information on this page has been collected from public sources and is for general information purposes only.
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Last updated: 21 June 2024