We are delighted to invite you to the “Show US the Data Conference” on October 20th 10:00 – 12:00pm (EDT) jointly coordinated by the Coleridge Initiative and CHORUS. This virtual conference is intended to bring together a wide diversity of public data users and producers – researchers, academic institutions, publishers and federal agencies – to learn how new AI powered approaches can be used to capture and document the public use of agency data assets.
Participants will be introduced to the AI approach and shown the initial visualizations developed by three leading federal agencies, USDA, NOAA, and NSF. They will be asked to provide input on other and different ways of showing the information about the use of such assets by non-Government users. All participants will get access to the tools after the conference.
The conference is also intended to help identify next steps for agencies and their collaboration partners, and build an ongoing community to provide feedback. The conference is free and open to the public, so please feel free to share this message.
Register to keep informed about the event. Zoom meeting details will be sent to registrants in October.
We look forward to having you join the conference.