“Open for Collaboration”

CHORUS embraces “Open for Collaboration,” an idea that has been central to our genesis, operations, and continuing evolution. CHORUS is all about collaboration.

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US Department of Energy and CHORUS Sign Participation Agreement to Advance Public Access

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has signed a Participation Agreement with CHORUS to contribute to the implementation of DOE PAGESBeta, the DOE’s Public Access Gateway for Energy & Science. The agreement, which is effective immediately, solidifies the collaboration that was announced in August 2014 and moves a two-year effort into the next phase of […]

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CLOCKSS and CHORUS Partner to Support Perpetual Public Access to Articles Reporting on US Funded Research

Stanford, CA and Staten Island, NY March 30, 2015. The CLOCKSS Archive, a not-for-profit joint venture between the world’s leading academic publishers and research libraries, has entered into an agreement with CHORUS (Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States), the not-for-profit, cost-effective, and sustainable public access solution, to support the archiving, preservation, and […]

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CHORUS Moves Forward!

Important CHORUS milestones were achieved since Friday: The DOE’s announcement that it will be collaborating with CHORUS as part of its effort to public access to peer-reviewed articles reporting on DOE-funded research. CHORUS’ move from our pilot phase into production. These are important steps, but they are just a beginning. The CHORUS team is working […]

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CHORUS Seeking Lead Developer

CHORUS has a position open for a Lead Developer to join our start-up team. The Lead Developer will be responsible for the design, systems analysis, implementation, and maintenance of components of our rapidly growing, mission-critical Web application serving the scholarly communication, academic and funding agency markets. They will be a full stack developer working on the […]

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CHORUS Pilot Services

CHORUS launched Phase 1 of its pilot services back on September 30, 2013 and is actively adding new publishers for Phase 2. Find out more! These services have been featured during numerous webinars and conferences. We would love to hear what you think about these services. Contact us here.   | Contact us | CHORUS is a service […]

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Howard Ratner Speaks on CHORUS and ORCID (SSP Scholarly Kitchen Podcast)

(From SSP Scholarly Kitchen) In this episode, Howard Ratner, Director of Development at CHORUS, provides a status report on the project, a partnership between publishers and federal agencies to facilitate public access to federally funded research; talks about opportunities for synergies between CHORUS and other public-access vehicles; discusses next steps on the project; and also […]

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